Connecting to SQL Server through Powershell

Being a newbie to powershell, ive been researching and testing different connection options for powershell scripts. Ive come across the following ways:

      • Invoke-sqlcmd Windows Authentication
      • Invoke-Sqlcmd SQL Authentication
      • Invoke-Sqlcmd with Authentication Prompt
      • SQLConnection.connectionstring property (.NET)
      • SMO Connection with Authentication prompt
      • SMO Connection with hardcoded details

Invoke-sqlcmd Windows Authentication

Takes current windows connection details to try to do pass through authentication onto SQL Server

#Uses windows Authentication to traverse through instance list and return db count $filelocation = "\\shared\home\Mohsin.AliPatel0 - DBA8 - Powershell\Powershell_training" $instanceNameList = Get-Content "$filelocation\ServerList.txt" $results = @() foreach($instanceName in $instanceNameList) { $results += Invoke-Sqlcmd ` -Query "select SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') as Server, count(*) as 'DB Count' from sys.databases" ` -ServerInstance $instanceName } # print results $results | Format-Table -autosize

Invoke-Sqlcmd SQL Authentication

#Uses sql Authentication to traverse through instance list and return db count $filelocation = "\\shared\home\Mohsin.AliPatel0 - DBA8 - Powershell\Powershell_training" $instanceNameList = Get-Content "$filelocation\ServerList.txt" $results = @() foreach($instanceName in $instanceNameList) { $results += Invoke-Sqlcmd ` -Query "select SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') as Server, count(*) as 'DB Count' from sys.databases" ` -ServerInstance $instanceName ` -U "MyUsername" -P "password" } # print results $results | Format-Table -autosize

Invoke-Sqlcmd with Authentication prompt

This option uses the get-credentials cmdlet to bring up a prompt whereby connection details can be entered. These are then passed through to a connection method.

$filelocation = "\\shared\home\Mohsin.AliPatel0 - DBA8 - Powershell\Powershell_training" $instanceNameList = Get-Content "$filelocation\ServerList.txt" #resets the variable $results = @() # login using SQL authentication, which means we supply the username # and password $server.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure=$false; $credential = Get-Credential #the backslash is regular expression to remove \ (prompt will give it as default for domain) $userName = $credential.UserName -replace("\\","") #getnetworkcredential gives the passport unencrypted $pass = $credential.GetNetworkCredential().password $db = "master" foreach($instanceName in $instanceNameList) { $results += Invoke-Sqlcmd -U $userName -P $pass -Database $db -ServerInstance $instancename ` -Query "select SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') as Server, count(*) as 'DB Count' from sys.databases" } # print results $results | format-table -Autosize

When the script is run, a popup is presented to the user:


If the credentials are correct, then the script returns how many databases are in each server in the instancelist.

SQLConnection.ConnectionString Property

The connection string and the query are fed into a SQLClient.SQLDataAdapter and the output formatted

foreach ($svr in get-content "\\shared\home\Mohsin.AliPatel0 - DBA8 - Powershell\Powershell_training\serverlist.txt") { $con = "server=$svr;database=master;Integrated Security=sspi" $cmd = "SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS Instance, SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS Version, SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') as SP" $da = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter ($cmd, $con) $dt = new-object System.Data.DataTable $da.fill($dt) | out-null $dt | Format-Table -autosize }

SMO Connection with Authentication Prompt

# load assemblies [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo, ` Version=, Culture=neutral, ` PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91") [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SqlServer.SqlEnum, ` Version=, Culture=neutral, ` PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91") [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoEnum, ` Version=, Culture=neutral, ` PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91") [Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo, ` Version=, Culture=neutral, `PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91") # connect to SQL Server named instance # use server\instancename $serverName = "Server\INSTANCE" $server = New-Object -typeName Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server -argumentList "$serverName" # login using SQL authentication, which means we supply the username # and password $server.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure=$false; $credential = Get-Credential $userName = $credential.UserName -replace("\\","") $server.ConnectionContext.set_Login($userName) $server.ConnectionContext.set_SecurePassword($credential.Password) # clear the screen cls # list connection string Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------" Write-Host "Connection String : " Write-Host $server.ConnectionContext.ConnectionString Write-Host "--------------------------------------------------------"

Powershell: Invoke-Sqlcmd command not recognized

The term 'Invoke-Sqlcmd' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, 
script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path 
was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

When trying to run the Invoke-sqlcmd command within the powershell utility, an error is returned suggesting the command is not recognized.

Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "SELECT GETDATE() AS TimeOfQuery;" -ServerInstance "mysqlserver"


This happens because the Invoke-sqlcmd cmdlet is not included as part of PowerShell, but instead it is of sqlps (SQL Server 2008 PowerShell Host). Before using invoke-sqlcmd you should install SSMS or the SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack

When sqlps has been installed, you may then load invoke-sqlcmd into powershell.exe by using the below script from Michiel Wories blog

Im still a novice at powershell so Ive ended up building the initiliaze into all my basic scripts using dot-source

# Use Dot-Source to Call the “Initialize-SQLPSEnvironment” Script. .{."\\shared\home\Mohsin.AliPatel0 - DBA8 - Powershell\Powershell_training\Initialize-SqlPsEnvironment.ps1"} $instanceNameList = Get-Content "\\shared\home\Mohsin.AliPatel0 - DBA8 - Powershell\Powershell_training\ServerList.txt" foreach($instanceName in $instanceNameList) { $results += Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query "select SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') As ServerName, Name, crdate from sysdatabases" -ServerInstance $instanceName } # print results $results

The above script calls the initialize script, and then does a basic SQL Query